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Why wait until the new financial year to kick off procurement savings delivery? Better strategy setting and category planning m…
Technology can now be used to transform procurement functions. We need to look at people’s roles in the process and how they wi…
Toby Munyard discusses how business leaders must map and forecast their supply chain and procurement plans in an uncertain poli…
In a guest post for Procurement Leaders, James Jenkinson, talks strategic sourcing and what it will take to bring the concept i…
Untangling the supply chain of a financial institution as it undergoes a restructure is a hugely complex process
Case Study
How leading port operator Peel Ports Group transformed its Procurement function in order to achieve broader business objectives.
Recognizing the common pitfalls associated with contract separation in financial services restructuring will help you plan ahea…
Procurement leaders need an eSourcing tool that provides the flexibility and analytics to secure best value and cost on an ongo…
Whole life costing can help you to factor ongoing operating costs when making capital investment procurement decisions.
It’s vital that Procurement is recognised as creating actual business value. Yet getting the Procurement model right is often a…