Supplier Ethnic Diversity: So much more than a box-ticking exercise
Mayank Shah, Founder & CEO of Minority Supplier Development UK (MSDUK), discusses the importance of having suppliers that a…
Power to the mama! Breaking the poverty cycle with supply chain visibility
Ashish Gadnis, the founder and CEO of BanQu, describes the systematic issues in traditional procurement processes that are a ba…
Five essential steps to improve your sustainability performance through your supply chain
Download our 5 essential steps guide and handy checklist to improve sustainability performance through your supply chain.
Starting your sustainable procurement journey: Establishing KPIs
This whitepaper outlines different sustainability types that organizations are looking to influence and specific example KPIs t…
Balanced Sustainability — Reinforcing the Social Pillar
While cost efficient, eco-friendly intentions are almost always desirable from a business perspective, a well-composed groundwo…
A sustainability business strategy for procurement and supply chains
The Source
A sustainability business strategy for procurement and supply chain is essential to enhance business performance and ESG practi…
Learning from sustainability best practices in the Chemicals sector
There are emerging areas of sustainability best practice within the Chemicals sector that all procurement teams should be aware…
Growing supply chain sustainability
In this article, we will use the specific example of Saudi Arabia to highlight key learnings that other regions can use to shap…
“There’s no vaccine for climate change!”
Paul Ekins OBE, Professor of Resources and Environmental Policy at University College London (UCL) boldly speaks out on sustain…
Carbon footprint reduction - it's time for a mindset shift
Carbon footprint reduction is one of the most quantifiable ways to measure sustainability in a business. Here's how to get star…