Efficio Social Value Policy


1. Introduction


At Efficio we are committed to integrating social value into every aspect of our operations. This policy outlines our approach to contributing positively to society, aligning with the UK government's Social Value Act 2012 and the Social Value Model introduced in 2020. Our commitment to gender equality is paramount, ensuring our practices support a more inclusive and equitable society.

2. Purpose  & Scope

This policy aims to:

  • Align our business activities and how we support our clients with the UK government's social value strategy, including the Social Value Model. We aim to align our business practices with the UK government's Social Value Act and Social Value Model, ensuring that our activities contribute to public good by improving economic, social, and environmental well-being.
  • Promote gender equality across all areas of our operations. We are dedicated to creating a workplace where gender equality is fundamental, providing equal opportunities for all employees and supporting policies that foster an inclusive environment.
  • Enhance our contribution to local communities and society at large. Our initiatives will extend beyond our company to positively impact local communities, through activities such as community engagement, support for local businesses, and participation in social projects.
  • Establish goals and transparent reporting mechanisms. We will set specific, measurable objectives for our social value initiatives and report our progress transparently, ensuring accountability and continuous improvement.
  • Support our Equal Opportunities Policy. 

3. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and partners of Efficio. It encompasses all business activities, including procurement, recruitment, community engagement, and environmental sustainability initiatives.

4. Background Context: Key Elements of the UK Government's Social Value Strategy

The UK government's social value strategy focuses on the following key elements, as outlined in the Social Value Model:

4.1 COVID-19 Recovery

  • Support for Local Communities: Engage in activities that help local communities recover from the pandemic, such as supporting local health initiatives, providing resources for remote working and education, and aiding businesses affected by COVID-19.

  • Health and Safety: Implement robust health and safety measures to protect employees and the community, including regular sanitation, health checks, and remote work options where feasible.

4.2 Tackling Economic Inequality

  • Job Creation: Prioritise hiring from local communities, especially disadvantaged groups, by partnering with local employment agencies, providing internships, and creating job opportunities in economically deprived areas.

  • Apprenticeships and Training: Offer apprenticeship programs and continuous training opportunities, ensuring that individuals from all backgrounds, especially women and minorities, have access to career development and advancement.

  • Diverse Workforce: Implement initiatives to recruit and retain a diverse workforce, with a focus on gender equality, such as targeted recruitment campaigns, diversity training programs, and employee resource groups.

  • Staff Training, Promotion and Conditions of Service: Staff training needs will be identified through regular staff performance reviews. All staff are given equal opportunity to access training to enable them to progress. All promotion decisions are made based on merit. Our conditions of service, benefits and facilities will be reviewed regularly to ensure that they are available to all staff who should have access to them. This includes pay, bonus criteria, policies and benefits offered.

4.3 Fighting Climate Change

  • Carbon Reduction: Set and work towards ambitious carbon reduction targets, such as reducing energy consumption, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, and implementing energy-efficient practices in our operations.

  • Sustainable Practices: Integrate sustainable practices into all aspects of our operations, including waste reduction, recycling programs, and sustainable product sourcing.

  • Green Procurement: Source materials and services from environmentally responsible suppliers, prioritizing those with green certifications and sustainable practices.

4.4 Equal Opportunity

  • Inclusive Hiring Practices: Aim for inclusive recruitment processes that encourage applications from underrepresented groups, such as ethnic minorities, and people with disabilities.

  • Accessibility: Ensure our workplaces are accessible to all employees, including those with disabilities, by providing necessary accommodations, assistive technologies, and an inclusive work environment.

  • Gender Equality: Implement policies and practices that promote gender equality in the workplace, such as equal pay audits, gender-neutral job descriptions, and support for career advancement of women.

4.5 Wellbeing

  • Mental Health Support: Provide mental health resources and support services to employees, such as Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), mental health days, and access to counseling services.

  • Work-Life Balance: Promote policies that support a healthy work-life balance, such as flexible working arrangements, telecommuting options, and paid time off for personal and family needs.

  • Health Programs: Implement wellness programs and encourage healthy lifestyles, access to CLASS PASS, and wellness challenges.

5. Our Commitment to Social Value

5.1 Employment and Skills

  • Job Creation: By engaging in partnerships with local employment agencies where possible and community groups, we will create job opportunities. We have put in place processes to support candidates with additional requirements by working with Rear Recruitment. 

  • Diverse Workforce: Our recruitment policies will include specific strategies to attract a diverse workforce. This includes implementing blind recruitment processes, and interview training to hiring managers to uphold these values.

5.2 Economic Inequality

  • Living Wage: We are committed to paying all employees at least the living wage, as defined by the Living Wage Foundation. This ensures that all employees have a sufficient income to meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life.

  • Support for SMEs: We will actively seek to engage with and support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in our supply chain. This includes providing fair payment terms, offering mentorship and support for SME development, and prioritizing local suppliers to boost the local economy.

  • Inclusive Growth: Our initiatives will aim to ensure that economic growth benefits all members of the community, particularly women and other underrepresented groups. This includes providing funding and resources for women-owned businesses and supporting initiatives that promote economic inclusion.

5.3 Environmental Sustainability

  • Carbon Reduction: We will implement a comprehensive carbon reduction strategy that includes setting science-based targets, investing in renewable energy, and improving energy efficiency across our operations. This will involve regular audits of our carbon footprint and continuous improvement measures.

  • Sustainable Practices: Sustainable practices will be embedded in our operations, from reducing waste and increasing recycling to sourcing sustainable materials and products. We will also work with suppliers to ensure they adhere to our sustainability standards.

  • Green Procurement: Our procurement policies will highly consider suppliers with strong environmental credentials. We will seek certifications such as ISO 14001 and promote the use of eco-friendly products and services throughout our supply chain.

5.4 Strong, Integrated Communities

  •  Social Inclusion: Our activities will promote social inclusion and cohesion, particularly in areas with high levels of inequality. This includes supporting initiatives that bring different community groups together and addressing barriers to participation in community life.

5.5 Fair and Ethical Trade

  • Ethical Procurement: We will ensure that all suppliers adhere and our clients suppliers to fair and ethical labour practices, including fair wages, safe working conditions, and no use of forced or child labour. Our procurement policies will include rigorous due diligence and regular supplier audits.

  • Transparency: We will maintain transparency in our supply chain and procurement processes, providing clear information on our sourcing practices and supplier relationships. This includes publishing an annual report on our social value and ethical trade activities.

  • Human Rights: We will uphold and promote human rights across our operations and supply chains, adhering to international standards such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This includes implementing a human rights policy and conducting regular impact assessments.

6. Focus on Gender Equality

6.1 Recruitment and Retention

  • Gender Balanced Hiring: We will aim for gender-balanced recruitment across all levels of the company by setting targets for female representation, particularly in senior and technical roles. Our recruitment campaigns will be designed to attract a diverse pool of candidates, and we will provide unconscious bias training to hiring managers.

  • Equal Opportunities: We will ensure that all recruitment, promotion, and training opportunities are equally accessible to all genders. This includes reviewing job descriptions and criteria to remove gender bias and providing equal opportunities for professional development.

  • Supportive Environment: We will foster a workplace culture that supports and values gender diversity. This includes establishing employee resource groups for women, providing mentorship programs, and promoting work-life balance initiatives.

6.2 Pay Equity

  • Annual Pay Audits: We will conduct regular pay audits to ensure gender pay equity. These audits will compare the salaries of men and women in similar roles and identify any disparities that need to be addressed.

  • Transparent Pay Policies: Our pay policies will be transparent and based on objective criteria such as skills, experience, and performance

6.3 Leadership and Development

  • Leadership Programs: We will offer leadership development opportunities specifically aimed at women. These programs will provide training, mentorship, and networking opportunities to help participants advance their careers.

  • Mentorship: We will establish mentorship schemes to support the career progression of women. These schemes will pair female employees with experienced mentors who can provide guidance, support, and career advice. We also have an internal women’s network to support progression and offer support.

6.4 Work-Life Balance

  • Flexible Working: We will promote flexible working arrangements to support employees with family or caring responsibilities. This includes options for part-time work, job sharing, and remote

By embedding these principles into our operations, Efficio aims to be a leader in promoting social value and gender equality, contributing positively to the broader societal goals outlined by the UK government.