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Building future-ready procurement target operating models

In today’s rapidly-changing world, procurement is expected to deliver better and faster – with fewer resources. This is only possible if leaders proactively plan for their future needs by building a robust and effective, yet flexible organisation around them.

Drawing on decades of experience, we’ll help you understand upcoming challenges and what your business needs to adapt. Working alongside you, we’ll co-create a target operating model that fits your current and future needs and one that enables you to reshape your procurement strategy, attract the right talent, and drive sustainable value.

Today’s key challenges

Increasing effectiveness

For organisations to reach their goals, procurement must improve its effectiveness. This involves going beyond cost management, ensuring value creation through new structures, strategies, processes, and technologies.

Delivering high ROI

Changes in macro and microeconomic factors, ownership structures (M&A), and leadership mean constant new challenges for procurement. This includes the need for greater procurement excellence and to demonstrate high ROI.

Developing people and partnerships

Attracting, retaining, and developing the right people and skills is crucial for any successful procurement function. Without this, it’s extremely challenging to build, maintain and develop true internal and external partnerships.

Raising the profile

It’s not always easy to assert procurement's impact in the boardroom. To do this, it’s vital to demonstrate procurement’s ability to make a positive impact across the whole organisation through the right mandate.

Future-proofed procurement

Shifting from absolute cost to total value requires more than a change in mindset. It also relies on aligning seemingly unconnected elements, including digital tools, collaborative supplier relationships, and risk management approaches.

How we help

Driving true procurement excellence through the right procurement framework has never been more important. The current social, political, and economic landscape is a key concern, while the need to create value, hire talent, manage risks, and adapt to modern technology also creates its own challenges. Organisations often tend to react to these dynamics, which means they end up playing catch up. 

At Efficio, procurement and supply chain are all we do. We bring the insights gleaned from our specialist focus, both as expert consultants and experienced practitioners. This means we can help you take a step back and look at all dimensions of procurement. Working together as one team, we’ll co-create customised models that meet your unique business objectives. 

With these robust models and our real-world insights, we’ll ensure you can deliver against your objectives and stay fully focussed on enhancing value. 

Talk to our team

Contact our procurement and supply chain specialists to find out how we can help you overcome your main challenges.

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How we help

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