Introducing Spotlight, Efficio’s new invite-only event series for senior procurement and supply chain professionals.  A topical debate in which industry leaders from the world of supply chain and procurement answer and debate questions from an audience.

In the first debate of our Spotlight series, we bring together procurement leaders spanning a wide range of industries to discuss and debate the challenges faced now and in the weeks and months to come. As we enter ‘restart’ mode, we debate what the new normal might look like across our industries and how best to prepare for it.  

In the last couple of months, the global supply chain has been knocked for six by the impact of the COVID-19 fallout. Organisations have been striving to preserve the welfare of their staff and wider society, whilst battling to protect their businesses by re-baselining, cutting cost and preserving cash. Most businesses have never worked so hard to ensure their survival, with procurement and supply chain teams supporting on the front line. And conversely, other more fortunate businesses have struggled to reconcile the impact of unforeseen surges in demand on their supply chain. 

As many countries get ready to enter the restart phase, they face new challenges; not the least of which are collapse in demand, reduction in supply, constraints on transportation, and more. The organisations that forward-plan the COVID-19 restart and then tackle these hurdles head on with energy and confidence will be the ones stealing the competitive edge. In fact, forward-planning may be the defining advantage that improves a company’s future trajectory against its peers. 

As countries and industries move to the new normal, this in itself will bring significant new challenges and opportunities, including distilling and assimilating lessons learnt, increasing supply chain resilience and seizing the opportunity to reposition the procurement function. 


Join us for the big debate and hear from industry leaders how they have been tackling the challenges presented by COVID-19 and the plans they are putting in place to prepare for the new normal. 

Please note this event is invite-only and will be conducted under Chatham House Rule. We have limited spaces available in the audience for C-Suite and senior procurement professionals.

To register your interest, please click below.