Procurement and supply chain training

Sustainable, long-term procurement improvements are most successful when backed up by investment in those responsible for its day-to-day implementation – the team itself.  
Often, procurement functions fail to optimise their own talent potential due to a lack of skills needed to operate as a strategic procurement function or simply because there is not enough time to deliver training for procurement alongside usual business priorities. 

The skill base of high-performing procurement functions is rapidly transforming – something that cannot be ignored. Changing industry dynamics now requires procurement functions to:

  • Leverage technology and talent in tandem 
  • Encourage creativity and leadership by developing soft skills 
  • Embed a learning culture that actively encourages talent to grow

Your procurement upskilling solution 

To ensure our clients stay competitive in a shifting procurement and supply chain landscape, we established the Efficio Academy to help them attract, develop, and retain talent. Drawing from our deep portfolio of hands-on expertise, Efficio Academy distils over 20 years of knowledge into training modules that cater to the procurement and supply chain development needs of all businesses, including analytical, process and business, purchasing training, or soft skill requirements. 

Efficio Academy training sessions are the same as those we deliver to our own consultants, who we nurture into procurement and supply chain experts. All our trainers are experienced consultants, bringing their extensive real-world expertise in developing innovative and strategic solutions to the everyday challenges procurement and supply chain practitioners face to the training content.

Our modules are regularly updated and improved in collaboration with consultants identified as topic SMEs.  We ensure all our content reflects the latest industry developments and that each case study is relevant to the trainees’ professional needs.

Procurement training methodology

We provide an effective end-to-end training programme that delivers continual upskilling using our blended training programme. We produce in-house eLearning modules, which we provide to both our own consultants and client teams. These modules are engaging and interactive bite-sized modules that allow for self-service at the point of need and cover a comprehensive syllabus. 

Review & Reflect sessions can be scheduled to complement eLearning with instructor-led training that embeds the theory through exercises and case studies. Our experienced trainers walk through real-life examples to enable learners to find better ways to complete their everyday work and resolve their role-specific challenges. 

Sustainable solutions

Our Train-the-Trainer programme establishes client "champions" for training modules to maximise the ongoing development of your team and ensures the programme remains sustainable. Where possible, we recommend on-the-job coaching so learners can apply the theory to their own categories throughout the category management or sourcing process. To supplement this, we recommend co-sourcing, where Efficio consultants take the lead on a key category and can then demonstrate best practice to the rest of the Procurement Team.

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